
I travelled Europe a few years ago, and found myself lost in the winter countryside of the UK. It's not a common predicament to find yourself lost these days, especially with the amount of technology we have readily available. With a smart phone, some water, and the right type of clothing, someone can navigate their way back to civilisation. 

Masking my panic was easy, but I was actually with three friends, with a fully charged phone, plenty of money, a sturdy pair of boots , and a six hour window until the bus would return to pick us up, but there was still plenty to complain about. The European winter tends to do that, or at least any form of chill. 

After deliberating, we collectively decided to make the most of our situation. The four of us took a stroll and soaked in our surroundings. We wandered through a small town, laughed at our situation, we shivered plenty, and drank some tea. When the bus finally arrived, mindfulness revealed that we get to decide how we want to appreciate any given moment. 


Words & Photos by: S.I. Finlayson