Occupied Souls
Occupied Souls
Stories of People | Travel | Reflections





November 2023 - Luis Regis

“…you need to be confident in making it look like you know what you’re doing, even when you don’t.”

September 2020 - Shannyn Warren“We create art to make people feel something.”

September 2020 - Shannyn Warren

“We create art to make people feel something.”

November 2019 - Raphael Bongo“…most hunts are never successful.”

November 2019 - Raphael Bongo

“…most hunts are never successful.”

August 2019 - Emily Duggan"...I work hard to ensure that women aren’t limited to getting opportunities just for their looks.”

August 2019 - Emily Duggan

"...I work hard to ensure that women aren’t limited to getting opportunities just for their looks.”

March 2019 - Jarra Campbell - The Bondi Alchemist“…If you think about it, the excess that comes from fashion is just too much. And I think people should be using more of this material, because it actually looks more luxurious, while playing a part i…

March 2019 - Jarra Campbell - The Bondi Alchemist

“…If you think about it, the excess that comes from fashion is just too much. And I think people should be using more of this material, because it actually looks more luxurious, while playing a part in conserving our environment.

January 2019 - Briden Starr“…when I do things that make me happy, and help others, not everyone will like it, and that’s okay.”

January 2019 - Briden Starr

“…when I do things that make me happy, and help others, not everyone will like it, and that’s okay.”

December 2019 - Nathan & Mercury“…that’s what makes us, and our songs, relatable. Life has ups and downs; sometimes it’s fun, but sometimes it’s full of heartbreak, so people are looking for things they can identify with…”

December 2019 - Nathan & Mercury

“…that’s what makes us, and our songs, relatable. Life has ups and downs; sometimes it’s fun, but sometimes it’s full of heartbreak, so people are looking for things they can identify with…”

December 2018 - Robin Bustamante“…I get a bigger satisfaction when I can offer others everything I can teach, rather than just a bland version.”

December 2019 - Robin Bustamante

“…I get a bigger satisfaction when I can offer others everything I can teach, rather than just a bland version.”

December 2019 - Kenneth Tan“…as an individual when you do what you love, your lifestyle progresses around a type of love, and sequentially as a society you build a culture, driven by a passion.”

December 2019 - Kenneth Tan

“…as an individual when you do what you love, your lifestyle progresses around a type of love, and sequentially as a society you build a culture, driven by a passion.”

August 2018 - Madeline Cowe“…I really believe that everyone has something to offer to charities. It could be time, it could be resources, but there is always something.”

August 2018 - Madeline Cowe

“…I really believe that everyone has something to offer to charities. It could be time, it could be resources, but there is always something.”

July 2018 - Roman Urosevski - Son of a Baker“Growing up the son of a baker, you either become one, or you do something else.”

July 2018 - Roman Urosevski - Son of a Baker

“Growing up the son of a baker, you either become one, or you do something else.”

September 2018 - André Barbeto“Change will begin with community: an idea might begin with a person, but it needs others for it to gain traction.”

September 2018 - André Barbeto

“Change will begin with community: an idea might begin with a person, but it needs others for it to gain traction.”

June 2018 - Nick Martinelli“I don’t let the things I love stress me out.”

June 2018 - Nick Martinelli

“I don’t let the things I love stress me out.”

May 2018 - Christina Sankari - Charliee Presley“I’m a firm believer that we can create something new from the dead things in our lives.”

May 2018 - Christina Sankari - Charliee Presley

“I’m a firm believer that we can create something new from the dead things in our lives.”

